How I use Hyaluronic Acid to get Glass Skin

How I use Hyaluronic Acid to get Glass Skin

How I use Hyaluronic Acid to get Glass Skin using a spray bottle

I have been a long time user of Hyaluronic Acid and have tried numerous brands from high end to drugstore. I’ve used HA lotion, face moisturizers, serums, hair oils just about everything (p.s. did you know you can actually use too much Hyaluronic Acid? yeah I learned that the hard way…)

But wait let’s backtrack: what is Hyaluronic Acid? 

1 - What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic Acid is a substance your body makes that helps your joints move smoothly, keeps your skin glowing and keeps you hydrated overall. 

In the last decade, HA has become a common addition to skincare routines. 

Something VERY important to note is that it can hold 1000x times its weight in water. This means that there NEEDS to be a source of moisture on your skin for the Hyaluronic Acid to properly absorb and work. What a lot of people do (and what I self admittedly did when I didn’t know better) it wet your skin, apply the HA serum and then move onto moisturizer or another serum. Now this may work for some people but for me who has rather dry skin this didn’t cut it.

When there’s not enough water on your skin for the HA to absorb then it has to start taking moisture from elsewhere – and that is the air. So if you live in a dry climate then…you’re SOL.

2 - What step in my routine do I use it? and when?

If you are using a serum HA like The Ordinary’s Hyaluronic Acid, use it after you cleanse and before any other serums and moisturizers. I mentioned that it is very important for your face to be wet before applying so don’t dry your face after cleansing or wet it again and then apply!

I usually use it during my nighttime skincare routine just because I slug @ night and that helps seal in more moisture. You can however do it in the morning or both it’s really up to you!

3 - Sooo where does the spray bottle come in?

Okay short backstory first – I am a huge lurker of the skincare subreddit. A couple months ago I came across this post titled “PSA: You are probably using hyaluronic acid wrong!” and I thought hmm maybe I am using it wrong let me read this. Spoiler alert, I was.

The basic gist of the post is that you apply your serum, use a spray bottle with regular water and spritz your face a couple times, then rub in and repeat. 

Apply HA -> spritz face with water -> rub in -> spritz -> rub in -> spritz -> rub in.

I spray my face at the minimum 3 times at the max 6.

I was skeptical at first when I read the post and they mentioned that they woke up with glass skin…until I did it and woke up with glass skin. My skin had never looked better I couldn’t believe all the HA needed was more water?! It was such a simple solution I told everyone to immediately go try it out.

The poster mentions they don’t use a moisturizer on top since they live in the pacific northwest where it is humid, but I still use a moisturizer on top.

Now try it out!

All in all, HA is a staple skincare item everyone should include in their routine. It’s very affordable for the huge benefits it brings. I use the Ordinary’s Hyaluronic Acid (mostly because I trust TO with my life) but I will also link some other’s from brands that I love and I have seen really good reviews about!

*As an Amazon Affiliate I earn a commission on qualifying purchases. That being said I am always 100% honest with anything I review and will never recommend something I don’t like or use.*

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[…] I have a post about how to I use Hyaluronic Acid to get glass skin which involves using a spray bottle you can read that post here. […]

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