10-Step Korean Skincare using only The Ordinary Products

10-Step Korean Skincare using only The Ordinary Products

Last year I made a post titled “10 Step Korean Skincare Routine using only Neutrogena products.” A lot of people seemed to really enjoy that post so I decided I wanted to make one using only The Ordinary!

Don’t let the prices scare you – yes they’re relatively inexpensive, but TO has some of the best products I have ever used. And I have tried A LOT. Not only are they incredibly affordable, but they’re also vegan and cruelty free! If you’re reading this post, you probably already know what the 10-12 step Korean Skincare routine is. If not, you can read my previous post on it as I explained it a bit. Anyway, let’s get right into the products!

Before we get started, here are some skin care tips to keep in mind!

  • Cleanse for approximately 60 seconds in circular motions. Trust me, a whole minute makes a difference!
  • You can layer on products back to back, there is no evidence that suggests waiting 5 minutes between products increases absorption rates.
  • Pat your products in, don’t rub!

Also remember to patch test first as you never know if you might have a hidden allergy.

Step 1: Cleanser – The Ordinary Squalane Cleanser

TO has an excellent variety of products containing Squalane, a hydrocarbon that keeps our skin moisturized and elastic. This cleanser is alcohol-free so it doesn’t strip your skin like most cleaners do.

Step 2: Toner

The Ordinary only offers a Toner that has glycolic acid, an exfoliant that should only be used in the PM. So either skip this step or use a different toner!

Step 3: Essence – The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5

I know, I know. Technically, Hyaluronic Acid isn’t an essence it’s more of a serum. However, the main difference between an essence and a serum is that essences are lightweight and used as another layer of hydration. HA does both of those so hey, why not let it fall under the category of essence?

Step 4: Vitamin C Serum – The Ordinary Ascorbyl Glucoside Solution 12%

Yes this long sciency word is basically a Vitamin C Serum. This should be a holy grail product for you if you want to brighten your skin. After continued use you’ll notice an increase in the brightness of your skin.

Step 5: Eye Cream – The Ordinary Caffeine Solution 5% + EGCG

This is a product a lot of people swear by – and for good reason. I have genetically dark under eye circles and this is the only product that has ever produced immediate results for me! All you need is one droplet and you’re good to go. Remember to pat it in and don’t rub because that could make your under eye circles worse.

Step 6: Moisturizer – The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA

This moisturizer is great if you’re in need of extra hydration as it contains hyaluronic acid. It’s also not greasy and oil-free so you won’t have to worry about your face turning into a shiny bowling ball throughout the day.

Step 7: Sunscreen – The Ordinary Mineral UV Filters SPF 30 with Antioxidants

Sunscreen is always an essential. ALWAYS. Never leave your house without putting this on!

That’s it for the morning routine! You don’t have to use these products everyday especially if you don’t have enough time in the AM. Products I do recommend for every day use are the Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C serum. I find the continued use of these two products to be the most beneficial! (Of course don’t forget the sunscreen though)

Step 1: Exfoliate – The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution (Once a week)

Exfoliating before cleansing?! This can’t be right…? Nope, you heard it right! You might be already familiar with this product (not it’s not the vampire facial that’s something different.) Chemical exfoliants work much more effectively than physical exfoliation, although they can be harsher on the skin. You only need to use this product once a week for 10 minutes.

Step 2: Oil Cleanser + Cleanser – The Ordinary Squalane Cleanser

TO doesn’t have a specific oil cleanser but Squalane is an excellent makeup remover so this works fine! Just use this two cleanse twice.

Step 3: Toner – The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution (use ONLY on nights you don’t use the peeling solution!)

Use this on a cotton pad all over your face and neck. Remember to use upward strokes to prevent wrinkles!

Step 4: Essence – The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5

Same as in the morning, just use a few droplets and pat this into your skin.

Step 4.5: The Ordinary Lactic Acid 5% + HA

Ever since I started chemically exfoliating I haven’t looked back. I use this every night (except on the night I use the peeling solution). I find that every day use of this has helped my dark marks fade quicker. There’s a 5% and 10%, I recommend trying the 5% first then moving up to the 10% if your skin can tolerate it. I would also recommend using this 3 times a week to start out as it may take your skin some time to get used to.

Step 5: Serum – The Ordinary Alpha Arbutin 2% + HA

This serum is especially good if your skin concern is dark spots and hyperpigmentation. I use this on my cheek area everyday and it has significantly lightened my hormonal acne marks! I sometimes will use this in the morning after applying HA and before my moisturizer.

Step 6: Sheet Mask

Okay okay, I’m cheating here too. Unfortunately, TO doesn’t have any sheet mask products, but I didn’t want to skip this step because I’m obsessed with these. There’s really no better feeling than lying down and putting one of these on after a long day. The 20 minutes I have this mask on are easily the most peaceful 20 minutes that I look forward to every night. You can get these for a bargain as sites like Amazon sell them for less than 30 cents ea! And yes I’ve been using these every night for over a year and my skin hasn’t stopped thanking me since! (Okay, I’ll humble myself, every other* night because sometimes I’m lazy).

Step 7: Eye Cream – The Ordinary Caffeine Solution 5% + EGCG

The same as in the morning, apply a few drops to your finger and massage under both eyes.

Step 8: Moisturizer – The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA

Apply in circular motions and pat in!

Step 9: Night Cream Oil – 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Seed Oil

If you could only buy one product from this entire post, let it be THIS. This is my holy grail product that transforms my skin every night. Applying this at the end really feels like all your products are sealed in and ready to work their magic. No matter how tired I am, I will not go to sleep unless I have applied this oil, that is how much I truly rely on this product as a part of my daily skincare routine. I could rave on about this oil for hours but I’ll spare you just try it out for yourself!

Voila! I’m done! You don’t have to buy all these products at once and maybe you have a serum you love and that’s fine! You also don’t have to do all these steps every night to achieve the type of skin you want. All the products listed I have tried and I can honestly say that TO is one of my favorite and go to brands when it comes to skincare. The 30 ml bottles most of their products come in tend to last me around a month and at their price point you really can’t beat that! Also, remember to always spot test everything you buy. I hope you guys enjoyed reading my post! I’m currently trying out the ELF skincare line they released that I was going to write about last year and never got to, so if you’re interested in that you could always subscribe for future updates! 🙂

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